Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.


The Housing Readiness Report provides details on how impactful the housing crisis is to our most vulnerable communities and how ready our cities are to tackle the crisis. It includes data on racial diversity, rental housing burden, housing policies and processes towards planning for affordable housing.

Housing Recognitions

Housing recognitions are awarded to cities and counties that have made significant strides towards planning and building affordable housing in their communities, as well as had setbacks towards reaching affordable housing goals. Recognitions include:

  • HCD Pro-Housing Designation: Designated as a pro-housing community and therefore eligible for funding incentives and additional resources through state grant programs to speed the production of housing.
  • Fast Out of the Gate: First cities or counties to get state certified Housing Elements
  • Let's Get Moving: Last 10 cities or counties to submit a Housing Element
  • What About Affordable Homes?: City with substantially more moderate housing permitted compared to affordable housing (in the Bay Area or in their county)
  • Most Rent Burdened: City or county with the highest rent burden (in the Bay Area or in their county)
  • Gentrification Risk: City or county with highest risk of gentrification (in the Bay Area or in their county)

Take action and get involved

Right now, we have a once-in-a-decade chance to address current housing problems, invest in our communities, and create better housing options for all. Sign up with your email to stay connected!