Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.


Fast Out of the Gate
Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Programs
total programs

Housing Programs

Housing programs are the strategies that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.

6th Cycle Programs

total programs

Local housing programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well.

Overview of Program Deliverables

Use the below data to explore this jurisdiction’s approaches to affirmatively furthering fair housing for the 6th element cycle, and review the actions, deliverables, and deadlines committed to for each program.

Continue to provide fair housing services to residents, landlords, and housing professionals. Increase outreach and education to Homeowners Associations.
Outreach to 100 residents, housing providers, and housing professionals
Conduct education/training workshops annually for tenant-focused CBOs and property owner associations.
Conduct nine workshops. Targeting: Citywide with emphasis in Central and Southern Berkeley and areas surrounding UC Berkeley campus where there are higher proportions of LMI households and cost burdened renters
Provide annual training sessions on fair housing rights and requirements to rental property owners.
Provide 70 training sessions Targeting: Citywide with emphasis in Central and Southern Berkeley and areas surrounding UC Berkeley campus.
Conduct outreach events to inform Berkeley residents of their rights.
Conduct 22 outreach events. Targeting: Citywide with emphasis in Central and Southern Berkeley where there are higher proportions of protected groups and sensitive communities at risk of displacement
Conduct tenant/landlord mediation sessions to resolve disputes and/or legal problems
Conduct 10 mediation sessions
Conduct an Equity Study to target program marketing
Complete study and develop targeting
By 2028
BHA will work to expand all areas of Berkeley with rental housing units.
Increase baseline by 200 households. Targeting: Provide targeted outreach to educate the community on Source of Income protection with the goal of increasing acceptance of HCVs in high resource areas.
By 2031
Enroll new clients as vouchers become available due to existing clients exiting the program
10 New clients
Targeted outreach to areas identified by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) map as low or moderate resource census tract
13 homes. Targeting: Targeted outreach to areas identified by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) map as low or moderate resource census tract
Encourage residential units to be developed with universal design and visitability principles in future PBV Master Contracts or exemptions for requiring a modified unit to be returned to its original state upon vacating the unit.
Achieve two projects designed with universal design and/or visitability principals
By 2026
As part of BHA’s MTW application addressed in Program 1 -Affordable Housing Berkeley, the fiscal flexibilities include the ability to spend up to $500
Assist 20 rental units for unit modifications
By 2031
Provide interest-free loans up to $100,000.
Provide two loans
Conduct an Annual Inspection approximately nine months after the initial inspection, and every 9-10 months thereafter
All housing choice voucher units
Review and adopt new zoning provisions to align land use standards with State law requirements for special needs housing
Achieve 5% of new housing units as special needs housing in eight years
By 2023
Develop San Pablo PDA Specific Plan.
Increase new housing opportunities by at least 2000 units on commercial and transit corridors, particularly in the highest resource and higher income neighborhoods
By 2025
Complete Telegraph PDA/Southside Plan Area zoning map amendments and up-zoning.
By 2023
Update Land Use, Safety, and Environmental Justice Elements of the General Plan to accommodate greater housing capacity on commercial and transit corridors
By 2026
Amend Affordable Housing Fee schedule.
Achieve 15% of new units in higher resource areas in eight years
By Spring 2023
Amend Zoning code to allow two to four-unit development on one lot
By Summer 2023
Facilitate development of ADUs
75 ADUs or JADUs
Displaying 1 - 20 of 52
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