
Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Policies and Programs
total policies

Proposed Policies and Programs

Housing policies and programs are the strategies and laws that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.

5th Cycle Programs and Policies

policies and programs

Local housing policies and programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of policies or programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well. Policies and programs listed here from jurisdictions’ Housing Elements are intended to allow readers to review the text themselves and see if a city or county is doing all they can to reach their affordable housing goals.

Historic 2018 Policies and Programs Categorization

To further policy innovation and local action, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) contacted all of the region's jurisdictions to track the adoption of key housing policies throughout the nine county Bay Area in four major categories Protect, Preserve, Produce, and Prevent. This data is from ABAG’s Policies and Program list and was last updated in 2018/2019.

By-Right Strategies
Condominium Conversion Ordinance
Flexible Parking Requirements
General Fund Allocation
Homeowner Repair or Rehabilitation
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
In-Lieu Fees (Inclusionary Zoning)
Locally-Funded Homebuyer Assistance
Preservation of Mobile Homes (Rent Stabilization Ordinance)
Streamlined Permitting Process
Tenant-Based Assistance
Commercial Development Impact Fee
Form-Based Codes
Graduated Density Bonus
Home Sharing Programs
Housing Development Impact Fee
Housing Overlay Zones
Implementation of SB743
Just Cause Eviction
Mobile Homes Conversion Ordinance
One-to-One Replacement
Reduced Fees or Permit Waivers
Rent Stabilization
SRO Preservation Ordinance
Surplus Public Lands Act
Healdsburg's Recorded Housing Policies

The California Department of Housing and Community Development tracks all of the ongoing and completed programs from 2018 onward and can be seen in the table below.

Non-Discrimination Clause and Mandatory Fair Housing. Provide non-discrimination clauses in rental agreements and deed restrictions for housing constructed with City subsidy, as well as mandate the implementation of fair housing practices in contracts with affordable housing developers.
Promotion of Fair Housing Practices
City staff includes these clauses in all of its affordable housing agreements.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Disseminate Fair Housing Information. Disseminate fair housing information through posters, brochures, forms, and landlord/tenant handbooks from the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing and Fair Housing of Sonoma County in public locations.
Provide guidance to the public about fair housing practices.
The City has partnered with Fair Housing Advocates of Sonoma County to expand fair housing services in Healdsburg, act as an ombudsman assisting with tenant/landlord issues and provide education for property owners/managers and tenants. The City continues its practice to conduct a bilingual outreach program and prepares outreach materials in Spanish including providing Spanish translation services at public meetings and workshops.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Refer Fair Housing Complaints. Refer fair housing complaints to the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing and Fair Housing of Sonoma County.
Discourage discriminatory housing practices.
City staff continues to direct citizens' complaints to both County and State resources. The City has partnered with Fair Housing Advocates of Sonoma County to expand fair housing services in Healdsburg, act as an ombudsman assisting with tenant/landlord issues and provide education for property owners/managers and tenants.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Spanish Language Outreach. Conduct outreach efforts for the City’s affordable housing programs in Spanish as well as English and publicize the programs through organizations representing the Hispanic community.
Provide guidance to the public about fair housing practices.
The City continues to increase outreach efforts with housing service providers, housing regulatory agencies and other resources in order to better address on-going affordability issues. The City continues its efforts to provide written materials in the Spanish language, and to also provide translation services at City-sponsored housing workshops and on an as needed basis.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Energy Efficiency Rebate and Weatherization Programs. Continue to publicize and provide rebates for energy-efficient lighting fixtures and light bulbs, electric water heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps, appliances and photovoltaic systems; and weatherization of existing homes.
Conservation of Energy
The City Planning and Building Dept. continues to provide informational resources in the CDC public information area.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Act as Redevelopment Successor Agency. Act as the Successor Agency and Housing Successor Agency and carry out the responsibilities and obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency.
Monitor affordable housing projects to ensure their continued occupancy by appropriate individuals and households.
The City currently acts as the Successor Agency and will continue to fill this role as needed.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Improve Infrastructure. Continue street, sidewalk, and other infrastructure improvements and maintenance in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
Preservation of Existing Housing and Neighborhoods. To encourage the conservation and maintenance of the existing housing stock and residential neighborhoods in Healdsburg.
The Healdsburg Complete Streets Project was extensively studied in 2019. Public Works staff routinely develops CIP schedules for all infrastructure work as part of the annual budget process. The City has been working toward a Complete Street Project for the past 5 years, and applied for the Active Transporation Program, Cycle 6 funds of $11.8 for Healdsburg Avenue, and $2.2M of one Bay Area Grant Cycle 3 funds for Grove Street.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Enforce Vacation Rental Prohibition. Strengthen enforcement of the City’s prohibition of vacation home rentals (i.e., fewer than 30 days) in residential zoning districts in order to protect neighborhood character and ensure the housing stock is available for long-term residents.
Protect residential neighborhoods from the negative effects of commercial uses.
Code Enforcement staff continues to actively respond to all complaints and follow up with any corrective measures.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Disabled-Access Units. Enforce Building Code requirements for the inclusion of adaptable disabled-accessible units in multifamily development projects that are subject to such requirements.
Enforce Building Code requirements for the inclusion of adaptable disabled-accessible units in multifamily development projects that are subject to such requirements.
Building staff ensures code requirements are met and Code Enforcement staff typically responds to all complaints and follows up with any corrective measures.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Mobile Home Park Space Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Continue to enforce the terms of the Mobile Home Park Space Rent Stabilization Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 2.56) and administer the procedures of the Ordinance to ensure the continued preservation of affordability of mobile homes parks within the City.
Control rent increases on mobile home park spaces.
The City continues to encourage adherence to the rent stabilization advisory issued in 2015 and continues to partner with Reach for Home to provide rent stabilization services to those in need.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Code Enforcement. Continue to investigate complaints and take action concerning Code Enforcement violations to encourage rehabilitation of substandard residential properties by homeowners and landlords and improve overall housing quality and conditions in the City.
Preservation of Existing Housing and Neighborhoods. To encourage the conservation and maintenance of the existing housing stock and residential neighborhoods in Healdsburg.
Code Enforcement staff typically respond to all complaints and follow up with any corrective measures. The Housing Department is working closely with the Building Department and Code Enforcement and assisting with translation services to encourage rehabilitation of substandard residential properties to increase health and housing quality, and condition improvements.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Utility Discounts for Lower-Income Households. Continue to discount the electric, water and sewer utility and storm drainage maintenance charges to lower-income households and affordable residential projects.
Provision of Affordable Housing Facilitate the provision of affordable housing for those who live and work in Healdsburg.
The City continues the practice of granting utility discounts to lower-income households. In 2016, the City increased the discount on electric service to 25% and also extended the existing low income utility discounts to all affordable complexes in the City.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Maintain Eligibility for Funding. Participate in the Joint Powers Authority with Sonoma County and other Sonoma County jurisdictions in order to continue the City’s eligibility for State and Federal funding (e.g., CDBG and HOME programs).
Support the efforts of partners in local affordable housing projects to secure financial assistance.
The City continues to actively participate in the JPA.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Energy Audit Program. Continue to provide and publicize the Energy Audit Program to homeowners and landlords.
Conservation of Energy
The City Planning and Building Dept. continues to provide informational resources in the CDC public information area.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Housing Program Administration. Contract with the Housing Land Trust of Sonoma County or another suitable organization or consulting firm if needed to administer affordable housing programs within the city.
Support the Community Land Trust model of providing affordable homeownership for the local workforce.
The City continues to contract with the Housing Land Trust (HLT) of Sonoma County to actively monitor the existing stock of for-sale deed-restricted affordable units, provide resources and support to low-income homeowners, and to work with developers to qualify low-income families and assist them with their purchase of new for-sale deed-restricted units. The City and HLT continue its practice to conduct a bilingual outreach program and continue to prepare printed outreach materials in Spanish and provide Spanish translation services at public workshops. City staff continues to maintain a good working relationship with the staff at the Housing Land Trust, and continues to move ahead with successful placements in the units which are created and become available.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Green City Program. Ensure that the designs and construction practices for new residences and additions to existing residences comply with the CalGreen.
Promote energy efficiency and conservation measures in existing housing. …………………………………… Promote energy-efficient residential site development practices.
City staff continues to review building permits and development proposals to ensure compliance with CalGreen standards.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Strengthen the Condominium Conversion Ordinance. Review and revise, as necessary, the condominium conversion ordinances (Ordinance Nos. 701 and 873) with the intent of discouraging conversion of rental units to condominiums, including mobile home park conversions, and strengthening the tenant protection provisions. Potential tenant protections to be considered may include but are not limited to: • Limitations on the number of rental units that can be converted in a calendar year; • Discounts for existing tenants on the sale price of the property; • Requirement for replacement units; • Requirements for a certain percentage of converted condominiums be deed-restricted affordable units; • Mandatory payment of a tenant relocation fee; and/or • Requiring majority support by mobile home park residents in the conversion of a mobile home park from rental to owner-occupied.
Promote the preservation of the community’s housing stock, especially affordable and special needs housing.
The City is committed to strengthening tenant protections, while monitoring for potential condominium conversion proposals and will continue to enforce state requirements if, and when needed. The City adpoted a rental relocation ordinance in excess of State law in 2019.
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Emergency and Transitional Housing. Work with appropriate agencies and groups to provide temporary and transitional housing and support services for the homeless in Healdsburg.
Address the housing needs of the homeless and those in peril of becoming homeless.
The City continues to partner with Reach for Home and the Committee on the Shelterless (“COTS”) to assist families in need of emergency or transitional housing and offering assistance to find permanent housing. The City working with its regional partners and service providers has expanded the discussion to include homeless services and permanent supportive housing solutions. On November 19, 2018 the Healdsburg City Council adopted a resolution declaring a shelter crisis pursuant to SB 850 (Chapter 48, statutes of 2018). Additionally, the City extended its contract with Reach for Home in 2018 to provide homeless services, housing navigation, and homeless prevention services. On November 18, 2022, the City opened the L&M Village, which provides 22 non-congregate interim housing units and wraparound services for adults experiencing chronic homelessness. In 2022, the City approved the Lease, Funding and Service Agreement with Reach for Home for the use and operation of the L&M Village. Of these units, 4 are utilized for emergency placement in accordable with countrywide shelter standards.
Initiate coordination in 2016
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Countywide Homeless Survey. Participate in comprehensive surveys of the county’s homeless population.
Address the housing needs of the homeless and those in peril of becoming homeless.
The City continues to cooperate and participate with the US Census as it conducts annual homeless housing surveys for the County and its cities.
2015; biannually thereafter
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
Development of Housing for Persons with Disabilities. Reach out annually to developers of supportive housing to encourage development of projects targeted to persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities. Support applications for County, State, and Federal funding for housing construction and rehabilitation for persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities.
Address the housing needs of the disabled, including residents with developmental disabilities.
The City routinely looks for opportunities for disabled housing as part of implementing its affordable housing program.
Annual contact with developers; as needed
5th cycle, 2013 to 2022
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