Housing policies and programs are the strategies and laws that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.
Local housing policies and programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of policies or programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well. Policies and programs listed here from jurisdictions’ Housing Elements are intended to allow readers to review the text themselves and see if a city or county is doing all they can to reach their affordable housing goals.
To further policy innovation and local action, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) contacted all of the region's jurisdictions to track the adoption of key housing policies throughout the nine county Bay Area in four major categories Protect, Preserve, Produce, and Prevent. This data is from ABAG’s Policies and Program list and was last updated in 2018/2019.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development tracks all of the ongoing and completed programs from 2018 onward and can be seen in the table below.
2023 | Program 5.C: Restrict commercial uses from displacing residential neighborhoods. | Continue to restrict commercial uses in residential neighborhoods so as to prevent potential future displacement of residents, while continuing to allow home occupations in residential zones, consistent with the Zoning Code. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 7.B: Monitor and implement thresholds and statutory requirements of climate change legislation. | Monitor the implementation measures of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) and SB 375, which requires planning organizations to promote sustainable communities as part of their regional transportation plans. The City will implement the measures as guidance for thresholds and compliance methods are released by the State, especially as reflected in its 2022 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 5.A: Monitor condominium conversions. | Deny condominium conversions unless compliant with the Ordinance. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 5.D: Implement voluntary code inspection program. | Continue the voluntary code inspection program encompassing code compliance, rehabilitation, energy conservation, and minimum fire safety standards. Use the code inspection programs to promote available rehabilitation programs and services (see Program 5.E). | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 6.A: Assist residents with housing discrimination and landlord-tenant complaints. | The City will continue to promote fair housing practices, refer fair housing complaints appropriately, and raise awareness of such services. The City will advertise available services through the City’s newsletters, website, email blasts, social media, cable television channel as well as handouts at City Hall and other public buildings and facilities. The City will track awareness of fair housing services through surveys of the community and increase awareness of such services over the planning period, adjusting outreach methods based on survey results, but will ensure that outreach is conducted at least annually starting in May 2023. The City’s aim is to have 100 survey respondents in the first year, and to increase survey participation by five percent with each survey and show a five percent increase in awareness of available services by survey respondents with each survey. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 4.A: Support efforts to fund homeless services. | The City continues to transfer its CDBG funds to the County to support local housing programs, including programs to support people experiencing homelessness. In addition, the City will continue to pursue funding from available sources for homeless services and will also assist community groups that provide homeless services and assist such groups in applying for funding from other agencies. Moreover, the City will consider applying for grants where appropriate or will encourage/partner with local and regional nonprofit organizations that wish to apply for such grants. Lastly, the City will promote the availability of these services on its website, social media, by email, and with handouts. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 4.B: Continue to participate in local and regional forums for homelessness, supportive, and transitional housing. | Continue to participate in regional efforts as coordinated with other adjacent cities to address homeless and emergency and transitional housing issues and potential solutions. In addition to transferring its CDBG funds to the County (see Program 4.A), the City provides funding for the Community Services Agency (CSA) of Mountain View and Los Altos that provides various housing services. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 7.A: Promote energy and water conservation and greenhouse gas reduction through education and awareness campaigns. | Continue to promote residential energy and water conservation and greenhouse gas reduction consistent with the City’s adopted 2022 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, through consumer information on financial assistance and rebates for energy-efficient home improvements published by governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and utility companies. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 1.K: Participate in regional housing needs planning efforts. | The City will actively participate in the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Regional Housing Needs Determination and other regional discussions about meeting housing needs. The City will meet with ABAG staff to provide land use, housing, employment, and other information related to the RHNA formula to ensure that the allocation accurately represents Los Altos’ fair share of the region’s housing needs. | Ongoing | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 5.B: Continue to administer the City’s affordable housing programs. | Maintain accurate records of the City’s affordable housing inventory and waitlists, and report annually to the City Council. | Completed funding and hiring of full-time Housing Manager in November 2023 and ongoing administration of the City's affordable housing programs by the Housing Manager and qualifid entity. | Ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 6.F: Affirmatively market physically accessible units. | Affirmative marketing conducted for 100 percent of affordable housing units approved and permitted in Los Altos from 2023 to 2031. | Ongoing | Ongoing as applications are processed | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 1.N: Facilitate and monitor pipeline housing projects. | To ensure completion of the entitled or proposed (i.e., pipeline) projects identified in Table B-3 of Appendix B of the Housing Element: Sites Inventory & Methodology within the planning period (by January 31, 2031), the City will monitor progress of these projects and will coordinate with applicants to facilitate remaining approvals and permits. In addition to not allowing entitlements to expire, the City will offer expedited permit review for pipeline projects and assistance with securing funding if the project is eligible under Program 2.C. If a pipeline project is not approved, the City will ensure adequate capacity for the remaining RHNA is provided through monitoring of no net loss during annual reporting and rezoning if necessary to comply with State law (see Program 1.J). | Ongoing | Annual review and assessment of no net loss by April 1; if rezoning action is necessary to comply with no net loss, the City will take rezoning action within the time period specified in State law. | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 3.E: Ensure that the density bonus ordinance remains consistent with State law. | The City will continue to annually monitor the effectiveness and appropriateness of existing adopted policies and update the ordinance as needed and will ensure that its local ordinance remains consistent with State law, but will apply current state law even before local amendments are adopted. The City will update its Appendix to the Affordable Housing Ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 14.28, Article 2) to comply with State law. | Ongoing | Amend Appendix to Affordable Housing Ordinance by December 2023, and thereafter annually review the Affordable Housing Ordinance and Appendix (each December) and make necessary amendments no later three months after the review (i.e., March of the following year). | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 5.E: Help secure funding for housing rehabilitation and assistance programs. | Rehabilitation of six units for low-income households during the planning period. | Ongoing | Promote available programs and funding sources annually (handouts, Los Altos Senior Center, Woodland Branch Library, email, social media, City website); ongoing | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 5.F: Incentivize the creation of play areas for multi-family housing projects. | The City will develop incentives for the creation of play areas for muti-family housing projects to help address the needs of children and families. Incentives could be a reduction in Park In-Lieu Fees or waiving the entire fee completely in connection to the development of improvements onsite. | Ongoing | Dec-27 | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 6.G: Housing Mobility | Provide 150 housing opportunities affordable to lower income households by January 2031. | Ongoing | Annually review overall progress and effectiveness in April and include information in annual report to HCD. If the City is not on track to meet its 150 affordable housing unit goal for the 8-year RHNA cycle by 2027 (i.e., 75 affordable units built or in process by 2027), the City will consider alternative land use strategies and make necessary amendments to zoning or other land use documents to facilitate a variety of housing choices, including but not limited to, strategies that encourage missing middle zoning (small-scale multi-unit projects), adaptive reuse, and allowing additional ADUs and/or JADUs, within six months, if sufficient progress toward this quantified objective is
not being met. | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 2.C: Assist in securing funding for affordable housing projects. | Facilitate the development of at least 80 below-marketrate units in Los Altos by January 2031. If by January 2027, this objective is not on track to be met (i.e., 50 percent of objective), the City will establish and offer additional incentives no later than July 2027. | Ongoing | Ongoing; developers roundtable annually; see Program 3.D for timing of modification of impact fees. | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 4.H: Provide additional density bonuses and incentives for housing that accommodates special needs groups. | Provide density bonus increases and incentives beyond that required by State law for projects that provide senior housing or housing for extremely low-income households or people with disabilities, including developmental disabilities, in multi-family or mixed-use zones. Specifically, the City will codify the additional density bonus and incentives for senior-only projects. | in progress | Dec-25 | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 1.A Rezone for RHNA Shortfall. | The City will amend the Zoning Map and/or Zoning Code to create the opportunity for at least 19 above moderate-income housing units; proposed rezoning would accommodate an assumed capacity of 64 above-moderate income housing units. | Completed amending the Zoning Code to create opportunity for at least 19 above moderate-income housing units in October and November 2023. | Jan-24 | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |
2023 | Program 1.G: Rezone housing sites from previous Housing Elements. | Rezone housing sites from previous Housing Elements which sites are indentified in the 6th Cycle Housing Element. | Completed amending the Zoning Code to rezone housing sites from previous Housing Elements in November 2023. | Jan-24 | 6th cycle, 2023 to 2031 |