Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.

San Anselmo

Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Programs
total programs

Housing Programs

Housing programs are the strategies that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.

6th Cycle Programs

total programs

Local housing programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well.

Overview of Program Deliverables

Use the below data to explore this jurisdiction’s approaches to affirmatively furthering fair housing for the 6th element cycle, and review the actions, deliverables, and deadlines committed to for each program.

Take a proactive leadership role in working with community groups, other jurisdictions and agencies, non-profit housing sponsors, and the building and real estate industry in following through on identified Housing Element implementation actions in a timely manner.
Continue to implement the agreements with the Marin Housing Authority (MHA), for for-sale units and with local Bay Area and Marin County housing non-profits and affordable housing developers for for-rent units, to manage deed restricted affordable housing developments in San Anselmo.
Conduct bi-annual coordination calls to ensure continued implementation.
Work with MHA, and local Bay Area and Marin County housing non-profits and affordable housing developers to implement resale and rental regulations for extremely low, very low-, low- and moderate-income units, and monitor to ensure that these units remain affordable.
Establish a database of properties subject to resale and rental regulations for monitoring purposes.
July 2025
Work with non-profits to assist in achieving the Town’s housing goals and implementing programs. Coordination should occur on an ongoing basis and as special opportunities arise through Housing Element implementation. Facilitate the participation of non-profits as an advisory role to assist the Town’s affordable housing consultant (see Program 1.2) in identifying funding and opportunities for development.
Conduct quarterly coordination calls to establish open, ongoing communication.
Quarterly; Case-by-case basis
Work with the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) and the Ross Valley Sanitary District (RVSD) to ensure the availability and adequate capacity of water and wastewater systems to accommodate the housing needs during the planning period. Priority shall be granted to proposed developments that include housing affordable to lower-income households. In addition, the Town will provide a copy of the Housing Element and any future amendments to MMWD and RVSD immediately after adoption.
Send Housing Element to MMWD and RVSD upon adoption and subsequently as future amendments are adopted.
Send Housing Element upon adoption
Seek ways to organize and allocate staffing and community resources effectively and efficiently to implement the programs of the Housing Element.
Provide a report annually to the Town Council to review progress on Housing Element programs. Annually prioritize programs for implementation and include funding in the Town’s budget.
Conduct annual meetings with the Planning Commission and Town Council to report on progress of Housing Element implementation.
Hire a consultant with expertise in affordable housing to present options for funding affordable housing projects, identifying affordable housing strategies and opportunities in San Anselmo as the Town budget is developed.
Present affordable housing strategies and opportunities to the Town Council prior to the adoption of each annual budget.
Continue ongoing and annual outreach and coordination with non-profit housing developers and affordable housing advocates to provide advice and comment on proposed zoning amendments and other program implementation.
Assess opportunities for non- profit housing developers and affordable housing advocates to provide advice on proposed zoning and other program implementation on an ongoing basis as items are brought forward. Include non- profit housing developers and affordable housing advocates on the Town’s e-newsletter mailing list to ensure they are notified of zoning amendments and other program implementation efforts.
Annually; Case-by-case basis
Ensure regular monitoring and reporting, including outreach to the public, on the status of housing in San Anselmo.
Develop a monitoring mechanism to ensure no net loss of housing occurs during the Housing Element planning period and adjust zoning as needed.
Establish a monitoring mechanism and assign a Planning Department staff person to assess and identify needed zoning adjustments. Report annually to the Town Council recommended zoning adjustments to ensure no net loss of housing occurs.
July 2023; Annually
Develop an online dashboard that includes a mechanism that monitors "no net loss", ADU production, potential sites, production of affordable and market rate housing, and preserved housing supply.
Establish an online dashboard and assign a Planning Department staff person to update it regularly for improved transparency on Housing Element implementation and streamlined annual reporting.
July 2023
Develop and maintain an up-to-date residential sites inventory and provide interested developers with information on available housing development opportunities and incentives.
Establish a residential sites inventory as a component of the online dashboard (Action 1.3b). Assign a Planning Department staff person to update the inventory and notify interested developers.
July 2023; Quarterly
Complete an evaluation and report of housing development on a regular basis to ensure that adequate services and facilities, including water, wastewater, and neighborhood infrastructure are available.
Provide a status report on housing development and infrastructure to the Town Council annually.
Maintain the Housing Element mailing list and send public hearing notices to all interested public, non-profit agencies and affected property owners.
Send public notices related to Housing Element implementation to the Housing Element mailing list.
Annually and on an as- needed basis
Continue to use online tools such as maps. social and Balancing Act to better understand community preferences and collect feedback about specific housing opportunity sites.
Conduct annual campaigns to promote the use of tools such as and Balancing Act to engage the community on Housing Element implementation.
Continue to provide housing related surveys to gather a consensus on housing preferences in San Anselmo.
Conduct online questionnaires bi- annually to determine whether the Town’s housing preferences have evolved.
Work with local schools to share information with the families of students regarding the formulation and review of housing and land use policy issues.
Coordinate with local schools to send notification to families of students at least once per year regarding new housing and land use policies under consideration and to solicit feedback.
Annually and on an as- needed basis
Build support for the development of new housing in the community.
Require developers to have neighborhood meetings with residents early in the discretionary land use permit process as part of the application submittal to undertake problem solving and facilitate more informed, faster, and constructive development planning and review.
Make mailing addresses for properties in close proximity to potential development sites available to developers in order to facilitate developer outreach and successful neighborhood meetings.
Ongoing as project applications are received
Displaying 1 - 20 of 151
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