
Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Policies and Programs
total policies

Proposed Policies and Programs

Housing policies and programs are the strategies and laws that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.

5th Cycle Programs and Policies

policies and programs

Local housing policies and programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of policies or programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well. Policies and programs listed here from jurisdictions’ Housing Elements are intended to allow readers to review the text themselves and see if a city or county is doing all they can to reach their affordable housing goals.

Historic 2018 Policies and Programs Categorization

To further policy innovation and local action, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) contacted all of the region's jurisdictions to track the adoption of key housing policies throughout the nine county Bay Area in four major categories Protect, Preserve, Produce, and Prevent. This data is from ABAG’s Policies and Program list and was last updated in 2018/2019.

Condominium Conversion Ordinance
Flexible Parking Requirements
General Fund Allocation
Housing Overlay Zones
Implementation of SB743
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
In-Lieu Fees (Inclusionary Zoning)
Reduced Fees or Permit Waivers
Streamlined Permitting Process
By-Right Strategies
Commercial Development Impact Fee
Form-Based Codes
Graduated Density Bonus
Homeowner Repair or Rehabilitation
Home Sharing Programs
Housing Development Impact Fee
Just Cause Eviction
Locally-Funded Homebuyer Assistance
Mobile Homes Conversion Ordinance
One-to-One Replacement
Preservation of Mobile Homes (Rent Stabilization Ordinance)
Rent Stabilization
SRO Preservation Ordinance
Surplus Public Lands Act
Tenant-Based Assistance
Tiburon's Recorded Housing Policies

The California Department of Housing and Community Development tracks all of the ongoing and completed programs from 2018 onward and can be seen in the table below.

Condominium Conversions. Preserve rental housing by enforcement through the Town's condominium conversion ordinance and Housing Element policy.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Community Outreach when Implementing Housing Element Programs. Coordinate with local businesses, housing advocacy groups, neighborhood groups, and the Chamber of Commerce in building public understanding and support for workforce and special needs housing and other issues related to housing, including the community benefits of affordable housing, mixed-use, and pedestrian-oriented development. The Town will notify a broad representation of the community when housing programs are discussed by the Planning Commission or Town Council. Specific outreach activities include: Maintain the Housing Element mailing list and send public hearing notices to all interested community members, non-profit agencies, and affected property owners. Post notices at Town Hall, the library, and the post office. Publish notices in the local newspaper. Post information on the Town’s website. Conduct outreach (workshops, neighborhood meetings) to the community as Housing Element programs are implemented. Invite local businesses, housing advocacy groups, neighborhood groups, and the Chamber of Commerce to make presentations and participate in workshops and neighborhood meetings. Utilize local businesses, housing advocacy groups, neighborhood groups, and the Chamber of Commerce when conducting focus groups, surveys, and distributing information to their clients and members.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Work with the Marin Housing Authority. Continue to implement the agreement with the Marin Housing Authority (MHA) for management of the affordable housing stock to ensure permanent affordability. Implement resale and rental regulations for very low-, low-, and moderate-income units, and assure that these units remain at an affordable price level.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Provision of Affordable Housing for Special Needs Households. Continue to facilitate programs and projects which meet federal, state, and local requirements to provide accessibility for seniors, persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities, large families, and single-person and single parent households. Apply current inclusionary housing provisions that require 10% of new units to be designed for special needs households. Specific types of housing include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Smaller, affordable residential units, especially for lower income single- person and single parent households. Affordable senior housing to meet the burgeoning needs of an aging population, including assisted housing and board and care (licensed facilities). Affordable units with three or more bedrooms for large family households. Affordable housing that is built for, or can easily and inexpensively beadapted for, use by people with disabilities (specific standards are established in California Title 24 Accessibility Regulations for new and rehabilitation projects, augmented by Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines) and people with developmental disabilities.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Link Code Enforcement with Public Information Programs on Town Standards and Rehabilitation and Energy Loan Programs. Implement housing, building, and fire code enforcement to ensure compliance with basic health and safety building standards and provide information about rehabilitation loan programs for use by qualifying property owners who are cited. Specific actions include: 1. 2. 3. Coordinate with the Marin Housing Authority and utility providers to publicize available loan programs to eligible owner and renter-occupied housing. Provide public information on alternative energy technologies for residential developers, contractors, and property owners. Publicize tenant assistance and energy conservation programs that are available to provide subsidized or at-cost inspection and corrective action. 4. Provide an informational guide to homeowners explaining the benefits, “best practices” and procedures for adding or legalizing a secondary dwelling unit.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Bonuses for Affordable Housing Projects Consistent with State Density Bonus Law. Offer density bonuses consistent with the State Density Bonus Law.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Housing Discrimination Complaints. Refer discrimination complaints to the appropriate legal service, county, or state agency or Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California (FHANC). The Community Development Director is the designated person in Tiburon with responsibility to investigate and deal appropriately with complaints. Discrimination complaints will be referred to Fair Housing Advocates of Northern Marin, the Marin Housing Authority, Legal Aid, HUD, or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, as appropriate. Information regarding the housing discrimination complaint referral process will be posted on the Town’s website. Encourage FHANC to conduct fair housing testing in Tiburon.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Design of Multifamily Housing. Conduct design review to assure excellence of design in new multifamily housing development and utilize objective design and development standards for applicable projects.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Provide Public Employee Housing Assistance. Identify opportunities for local government and public agency employees (especially public safety personnel) to find housing locally through such efforts as acquisition of affordable units, construction of workforce housing at public facilities or parking lots, or subsidizing mortgages or rents. Utilize the Town’s Low-Moderate Income Housing Fund and Town Owned Housing Units Fund to purchase below market rate units as they become available and to maintain the Town’s portfolio of Town-owned affordable housing.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Staff Training. Work with Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California to conduct training sessions for Town employees regarding the receipt, documentation, and proper referral of housing discrimination complaints and other fair housing issues.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Ongoing, as needed
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Tenant Protection Strategies. Work with the County of Marin and other Marin jurisdictions to develop strategies that protect tenants from rapidly rising rents and displacement.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Identify Additional Housing Opportunity Sites. In an effort to improve housing mobility and provide housing opportunities distributed throughout Tiburon, the Town will identify and rezone additional housing opportunity sites for lower-income households outside the Downtown. Potential sites include, but are not limited to, the Cove Shopping Center and the Tiburon Baptist Church site if the property owners indicate interest in redeveloping or adding housing to their sites. In compliance with the No Net Loss Law and Government Code 65863, the Town will identify new housing opportunity sites as development occurs in order to ensure the remaining sites are sufficient to accommodate the remaining RHNA at all income levels.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Complete rezonings as required by State law or within one year, whichever is applicable.
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Conduct targeted outreach to underrepresented community members, including the disabled, seniors, low-income households, people of color, and people who do not speak English as a first language. Provide housing-related materials in Spanish and provide language translation on the Town’s website. Provide surveys in Spanish and Spanish translation for workshops, and conduct focus groups with underrepresented community members. Utilize the Town’s affordable housing providers, Chamber of Commerce, and community groups representing protected class members to assist in outreach efforts.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Targeted outreach to occur in conjunction with the housing element update cycle and annually with a campaign to publicize affordable housing resources
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Update the Housing Element. Update the Tiburon Housing Element consistent with State law requirements.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Redevelopment Funding (Town of Tiburon as Successor Agency). In conjunction with the Marin Housing Authority, use remaining housing set-aside funds to meet existing affordable housing obligations and, once those are met, expend the funds solely for the provision of affordable housing in Tiburon consistent with the Tiburon General Plan.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Ongoing and develop one affordable housing project by the end of 2030
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Emergency Housing Assistance. Actively engage with other jurisdictions in Marin to provide additional housing and other options for the homeless, supporting and implementing Continuum of Care actions in response to the needs of homeless families and individuals. Participate and allocate funds, as appropriate, for County and non-profit programs providing emergency shelter and related counseling services.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Ongoing, meetings approximately 4 times a year
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Conduct Residential Building Report Inspections. The Town will continue to inspect and report on all residential units prior to resale, with the intent to maintain and upgrade the safety of housing within the town consistent with adopted Building Codes. In addition to health and safety concerns, the residential building report discloses the authorized use, occupancy and zoning of the property and an itemization of deficiencies in the dwelling unit.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Ongoing, prior to resale of all housing units
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Improve Community Awareness of Housing Needs, Issues, and Programs. The Town will provide information and promote programs and resources for affordable housing, homebuyer assistance, rental assistance, housing rehabilitation, energy efficiency and decarbonization of homes, fair housing, reasonable accommodation requests, and sources of income laws.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
Update website and distribute handouts and brochures, and complete actions 1-8 by 2024. Dedicate one Town newsletter each year to promote housing programs and resources and educate community members on fair housing laws.
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Provide Information on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs. Provide information on available energy efficiency, renewable energy, and decarbonization rebates, incentives, loans, and program, highlighting any programs that serve and/or provide deeper discounts for low-income households. Specific actions include: 1. 2. Coordinate with the County of Marin, the Marin Climate & Energy Partnership, BayRen, and utility providers to identify, fund, design, and publicize programs. Utilize the Town’s website, newsletter, social media, and counter handouts to provide information on alternative energy technologies for residential developers, contractors, and property owners.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
Work with Non-Profits and Property Owners on Housing Opportunity Sites. Encourage cooperative and joint ventures between owners, developers, and nonprofit groups in the provision of below market rate housing. Work with non-profits and property owners to seek opportunities for affordable housing development on key housing opportunity sites that are close to services, transit, and jobs. Undertake the following actions to encourage development of multi-family, affordable housing, including housing for extremely low-income households: 1. Meet with non-profit housing developers and property owners of Sites 1- 9 to identify housing development opportunities, issues, and needs during 2023. 2. Select the most viable sites during 2023 and 2024. 3. Undertake community outreach in coordination with potential developers and property owners during 2023 and 2024. 4. Complete site planning studies, continued community outreach, and regulatory approvals in coordination with the development application. 5. Facilitate development through regulatory incentives, reducing or waiving fees, fast track processing, lot consolidation (i.e., assistance with the application, and fee reduction or waiver), and assistance in development review. 6. Require affordable units to be affirmatively marketed to communities of color and protected classes. Utilize publications, venues, and community groups that serve Black and Latinx communities, especially outside of Marin County. 7. Provide funding from the Town’s Low and Moderate Income Housing fund for affordable housing developments. 8. Regarding Site 5, work closely with the City of Belvedere to streamline, facilitate, and expedite planning and building permit applications, review, and approval. Work with the City of Belvedere to appoint a joint project manager and conduct joint design review board, planning commission and city/town council meetings, as applicable, when reviewing and approving development plans.
Program included as part of Housing Element adoption in December 2023
6th cycle, 2023 to 2031
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