Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.

Walnut Creek

Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Programs
total programs

Housing Programs

Housing programs are the strategies that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.

6th Cycle Programs

total programs

Local housing programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well.

Overview of Program Deliverables

Use the below data to explore this jurisdiction’s approaches to affirmatively furthering fair housing for the 6th element cycle, and review the actions, deliverables, and deadlines committed to for each program.

Assembly Bill (AB) 671 (2019) amended Government Code, Section 65583, to require local agencies’ Housing Elements to include a plan that incentivizes and promotes the creation of ADUs that can offer affordable rents for households with very low-, low-, or moderate-income households. On September 21, 2021, the City adopted Ordinance No. 2210, amending the Walnut Creek Municipal Code to comply with recent State legislation that went into effect in 2020. (editor’s note: previous remaining text was deleted and replaced with the following). The City shall take further actions as follows: Adopt pre-approved ADU designs and permit-ready construction plans. Schedule of Action: End of 2023. Encourage the development of ADUs by developing and distributing educational materials that inform property owners of the standards for ADU development, permitting procedures, and the importance of ADUs. City staff will distribute these promotional materials and flyers by making them available at the Planning Counter, publishing them on the City’s website, and providing information in the City’s newsletter that is mailed to all residents. Schedule of Action: Prepare materials by December 2023 and update annually. Encourage regional partners to pursue a regional ADU incentive program. If pursued, participate in program development and implementation. Develop an ADU Monitoring Program to collect data from project applicants during the building permit application process in order to enhance existing tracking of ADU production with more details such as occupancy status and rent levels at time of occupancy. Utilize the data collected from the Monitoring Program to better understand the income groups they serve and inform future improvements to the outreach and educational efforts. Assess the production and affordability of ADUs in comparison to the estimates in the Sites Inventory as a part of the Mid-Cycle Review (see Program H-6.K). Schedule of Action: End of 2024 If the assumptions in the Housing Element Sites Inventory are not met, the City shall take alternative actions (e.g., outreach, technical assistance, development standard modifications, incentives, funding and rezoning) depending on the needs identified through the ADU Monitoring Program. Schedule of Action: December 2028. In accordance with AB 671, the City shall research the feasibility of reducing or waiving building permit fees for property owners who take advantage of the new program, and research grant funds to help fund ADUs. Schedule of Action: End of 6th Cycle Planning Period.
End of 2023; Prepare materials by December 2023 and update annually; December 2028; End of 6th Cycle Planning Period.
The City shall advise developers on how to maximize density bonus and/or seek waivers and concessions under State density bonus regulations. Continue to advise developers and offer pre-application meetings upon request. As part of this program, City staff shall hold one outreach meeting with housing developers Implementation Program/Schedule of Action each year to discuss sites identified in the Housing Element sites inventory that are available, density bonus, and other incentives, starting in 2024. Schedule of Action: Annually after Housing Element certification and by December 31 each year. To date, City staff technical assistance has contributed to the development of two 100% affordable projects on Riviera Ave (completed), a market-rate project at 1910 N Main Street (nearing completion), and another market-rate project at 1501 N California (expected to apply for Building Permits).
Annually after Housing Element certification and by December 31 each year.
The City shall provide adequate residential and mixed-use designated sites to accommodate the City’s 6th Cycle RHNA of 5,805 units (1,657 very low-, 954 low-, 890 moderate-, and 2,304 above-moderate-income units) through the following actions: Verify Inventory: The City will maintain a residential site inventory of the City’s RHNA and update this inventory as projects are reviewed/approved/constructed, to ensure sufficient residential capacity is maintained to accommodate the identified need. Schedule of Action: Annually through the HCD Annual Progress Report effort. Accommodate Shortfall: Should a development approval result in a reduction of capacity below the residential capacity needed to accommodate the remaining need for lower-income households, the City will identify sufficient sites to accommodate the shortfall. Schedule of Action: As needed. Inventory Map: Upon request by interested developers or the general public, the City will make the site inventory map and/or list available subject to reproduction costs. Schedule of Action: As requested. Apply for Funding: The City will continue to pursue alternative options for meeting the RHNA through preservation, legislative changes, and regional cooperation. The City will apply for available funding, or support applications for funding, to pursue acquisition/rehabilitation of affordable housing projects and preservation of at-risk housing. Schedule of Action: Annually during the HCD Annual Progress Report effort, and as State and federal funding sources are announced.
Annually through the HCD Annual Progress Report effort; As needed; As requested; Annually during the HCD Annual Progress Report effort, and as State and federal funding sources are announced.
To expedite the process of finding resources and incentives, the City shall gather information, including feedback from the annual meeting proposed in Program H-1.B of this Housing Element, on the available incentives/concessions for developers. Schedule of Action: Within 2 years of Housing Element certification. The City shall then develop and post an overview of the available incentives/concessions for developers on the City’s website and update the information on an annual basis. Schedule of Action: Post annually by December 31. The goals of this program are to expedite the time it takes to obtain development approvals and provide incentives that result in cost savings on housing projects, thereby improving, and increasing the financial feasibility of affordable housing projects.
Within 2 years of Housing Element certification; Post annually by December 31.
s a part of the permanent ordinance implementing Senate Bill 9, the City will consider allowing total larger square foot SB 9 dwelling units. Schedule of Action: Fall of 2023 and ongoing. Further, the City will add geographic targeting to the ADU and SB 9 programs, to increase education, marketing, and incentives for specific areas of the City that are RCAAs and have larger lots. Schedule of Action: December of 2023 and ongoing.
Fall of 2023 and ongoing; December of 2023 and ongoing.
The City shall access information from State, federal, and regional sources to identify grant application opportunities for affordable housing. Schedule of Action: Annually. When grant opportunities are known, the City will reach out to affordable developer stakeholders to identify projects and/or opportunities to include on grant applications and work to secure the funding. Schedule of Action: As grants become available, the City will apply for or support a minimum of two grant applications per year. Such grants may include, but are not limited to: One Bay Area Grants awarded by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Section 811 funding for supportive housing for extremely low-income residents provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Local Housing Trust Fund Program through the California State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) The State Infill Infrastructure Grant (HCD) The State Multifamily Housing Program (HCD) The State Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program (HCD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), City revolving bond funds, and other sources of funding to assist with the purchase of land for affordable housing When affordable housing projects that qualify for funding are proposed, the City will apply for or support a minimum of two grant applications in the year. The goal of this program is to increase the amount of funding available for affordable housing projects. Disclaimer – completing the tasks and activities referenced in this program will be dependent upon available local, State, and federal funding sources.
Annually; As grants become available, the City will apply for or support a minimum of two grant applications per year.
The City shall continue to allocate commercial linkage and housing in -lieu fees for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-income housing for the City’s housing programs, which may include new construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable housing, as well as other housing programs such as first-time homebuyer assistance. Schedule of Action: As funding is available and developers request it. To increase transparency for developers, the City shall also provide information on available funds during the annual developer meeting held once a year, per Program H-1.B of this Housing Element. The information provided shall include available funds and a projection for the following 3 years. Schedule of Action: Annually by December 31. Implementation Program/Schedule of Action Goal H-2: Affordable Housing This program addresses the need for certainty for affordable housing developers. By knowing what is and may be available for them in the future, developers can make better-informed decisions.
As funding is available and developers request it; Annually by December 31. Implementation Program/Schedule of Action Goal H-2: Affordable Housing This program addresses the need for certainty for affordable housing developers.
The City shall continue to participate in the Contra Costa Consortium and shall continue to set aside a portion of the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) annual allocation for housing programs, consistent with the Contra Costa Consortium Consolidated Plan and the City’s Annual Action Plan requirements. Schedule of Action: Annually. The City shall meet with ECHO Housing to discuss funding needs. If additional funds are needed for fair housing services, the City shall fund fair housing services under the program administration cap instead. Schedule of Action: End of FY 2023–24.
Annually; End of FY 2023–24.
The City shall coordinate with affordable housing property managers and housing advocates to discuss ways to improve referrals to available affordable housing units, including outreach to nonprofits serving the region as a means to reach a broader range of prospective residents. In addition, the City shall continue to maintain the City’s webpage and listserv email system that informs advocates and residents of each property’s waitlist status, application requirements for each property, etc. Schedule of Action: End of FY 2023–24 with updates as needed.
End of FY 2023–24 with updates as needed.
The City shall utilize its public information campaign to educate and engage the community on affordable housing and homelessness issues. As a part of this campaign, the City shall hold presentations for a minimum of one community group meeting per year. Presentations shall educate residents on housing issues and available resources and gather input on possible solutions. Schedule of Action: Annually by December 31. In addition, presentations and events shall be promoted through the City’s social media outlets, emails, and newsletters. Schedule of Action: Ongoing, as City attends events.
Annually by December 31. In addition, presentations and events shall be promoted through the City’s social media outlets, emails, and newsletters; Ongoing, as City attends events.
The City shall continue to participate in the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, administered by the Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development, to assist low-income first-time homebuyers in purchasing a home. As of June 2022, the County’s website states that this program is not currently funded but encourages visitors to check back periodically. When City staff can confirm funding availability, the City shall publicize the program on the City website and prepare and distribute written materials. Schedule of Action: Promotion when the County confirms funding availability.
Promotion when the County confirms funding availability.
The City shall research the feasibility of increasing the funding limits of the First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Program. Schedule of Action: End of FY 2024–25.
End of FY 2024–25.
In addition to continuing to coordinate with the Contra Costa County Housing Authority (CCCHA) to ensure full use of the Section 8 Rental Assistance Payments Program in Walnut Creek, the City shall contact other agencies and jurisdictions in Contra Costa County to discuss conducting a region-wide rent study to help increase HUD’s Fair Market Rent determination to help increase assistance for recipients who are challenged with finding units affordable enough to use the program. Schedule of Action: End of FY 2024–25.
End of FY 2024–25.
The City’s Housing/Planning staff shall provide training for other City departments involved in the entitlement and development process regarding the existing Density Bonus Ordinance and any future amendments. Schedule of Action: Within 6 months of Housing Element certification by HCD. In addition, the City shall promote the Density Bonus Ordinance by completing the following: Maintaining materials on the City’s website and by discussing the density bonus with developers at preliminary application review meetings. Schedule of Action: Within 12 months of Housing Element certification by HCD. Improving understanding of community needs by connecting developers of projects with density bonus units with local community advocates. This would help developers understand the community’s needs and potentially encourage them to provide units for special groups including, but not limited to, veterans and special needs adults. Schedule of Action: Ongoing, as projects are proposed. This program is designed to expedite the development of housing projects in the City by increasing staff knowledge of the Density Bonus Ordinance and providing clear information on the City’s website for developers.
Within 6 months of Housing Element certification by HCD; Within 12 months of Housing Element certification by HCD; Ongoing, as projects are proposed.
The City shall continue to actively advocate for affordable housing through its legislative committee by writing letters of support for and providing feedback on housing bills at the State level. Schedule of Action: Primarily between February and September each year to track with the Legislative Session.
Primarily between February and September each year to track with the Legislative Session.
The City shall reach out to the Contra Costa County Housing Authority and the Contra Costa County Consortium to discuss the feasibility of establishing inter-jurisdictional affordable housing programs, such as a regional housing trust fund. The discussion will include available funds and benefits available for regional organizations. Schedule of Action: By the end of FY 2023–24.
By the end of FY 2023–24.
The City shall continue to participate in the Walnut Creek Community Task Force on Homelessness, the Contra Costa Continuum of Care Council on Homelessness, the Contra Costa Mayor’s Conference, and the Implementation Program/Schedule of Action Goal H-2: Affordable Housing Coordinated Entry Oversight Committee to gather data, exchange ideas, and discuss strategies to address homelessness and affordable housing. Schedule of Action: As meetings take place. Additionally, the City shall include information on the Contra Costa County Coordinated Outreach Referral and Engagement (CORE) program through 211 on the City’s website. Information should include contact information and description of services. Schedule of Action: By the end of FY 2023–24.
As meetings take place; By the end of FY 2023–24.
The City shall adopt a formal policy for expedited review and permitting of affordable housing developments and housing for special needs populations (i.e., seniors, people experiencing homelessness, people living with disabilities, single female-headed households, large families, and extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-income households). Schedule of Action: By the end of FY 2023–24.
By the end of FY 2023–24.
The City is committed to examining additional mechanisms that allow for a streamlined approval process for housing development projects and expanded opportunities to incentivize affordable developments. To assist the development of housing for households with lower-incomes on larger sites, the City will amend the timing of fee collection process for land divisions and lot line adjustments resulting in parcel sizes that facilitate multifamily developments affordable to households with lower-incomes (including extremely low- incomes) and with special needs in light of State, federal, and local financing programs. The City will also identify potential property owners and nonprofit developers by December 31, 2024, and work with them on an annual basis to target and market the availability of sites with the best potential for development. Schedule of Action: Identify owners and developers by December 31, 2024, and market the availability of sites on an annual basis. In addition, to facilitate said commitment, the City will offer the following incentives for the development of affordable housing, including but not limited to the following: The City shall streamline and expedite the approval process for land division for projects that include affordable housing units. The City shall prepare an analysis, including a financial assessment, with the goal of eliminating or reducing permitting fees for housing projects that are 100% affordable. The goal of reducing fees would be to reduce factors that can render an affordable housing development financially infeasible, thereby constraining the development of affordable housing. Schedule of Action: Within 2 years of Housing Element certification. The City shall provide technical assistance to developers on funding applications, as projects are proposed. Schedule of Action: Ongoing as projects are proposed (specific timing dependent on development community).
Identify owners and developers by December 31, 2024, and market the availability of sites on an annual basis; Within 2 years of Housing Element certification; Ongoing as projects are proposed (specific timing dependent on development community).
The City will undertake the following actions during the planning period: Developer Meetings: Continue to hold one outreach meeting per year with affordable housing developers and providers as established in Program H-1.B (by December of each year) to discuss available funding sources (City, State and federal), sites identified in the Housing Element sites inventory that are available, developer needs and opportunities for affordable housing projects. Outreach will include experienced developers with recent affordable housing project experience that includes units affordable to extremely low-income households and households with special needs. Schedule of Action: Annually after Housing Element certification and by December of each year. Assistance to Developers: Emphasize funding for housing developments affordable to extremely low- income households and identify feasible financial incentives and regulatory concessions to encourage the development of different housing types (including multifamily and single-room occupancy projects) through the following actions: Technical Assistance: Provide technical assistance to developers regarding the City’s lower-income sites, funding opportunities, as well as mixed-use zoning and density bonus incentives (make the availability for technical assistance known to developers at the outreach meeting referenced above). Schedule of Action: Annually by December 31 (during developer meeting) and as requested. Feasibility Studies: Conduct a feasibility study on the City’s ability to provide the following: Fee underwriting, fee deferrals, and/or permit fast-tracking for projects that include housing affordable to lower-income households, prioritizing projects that include units affordable to extremely low-income households. Flexible development standards to potentially enhance financial feasibility for mixed-use development projects that include an affordable housing component with an emphasis on extremely and very low-income units. Incentives and concessions given, as well as current available funding sources (e.g., inclusionary housing fees and State and federal grants/assistance). Studies can be supplemented with information gathered during the developer meeting proposed on Program H.1.B of this Housing Element. Schedule of Action: End of FY 2024–25. Funding Alerts: City staff will continue to receive regular alerts and communications about State and federal funding opportunities (from HCD, HUD and other entities) for affordable housing development, including extremely low-income housing units. Schedule of Action: by December 31, 2023. Grant Applications: City staff will apply for or support a minimum of two grant applications for affordable housing (including extremely low-income housing units) each year. To date, grant opportunities for cities have been limited to SB 2, LEAP and Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA). The remainder of available grants require developers to apply for specific projects (meeting stringent criteria) rather than local jurisdictions. City staff will meet with the County Housing & Community Improvement Department Implementation Program/Schedule of Action Goal H-2: Affordable Housing each year to identify additional funding opportunities for affordable housing activities. Schedule of Action: each year by December 31. The goal of this program is to offer all available concessions, technical assistance and funding assistance to housing projects that include affordable housing units to improve the financial feasibility of those projects, allowing the projects to be implemented rather than abandoned due to financial infeasibility. This program thus also furthers the City’s commitment to examine additional mechanisms that allow for streamlined approval processes for housing development projects and expanded opportunities to incentivize affordable developments. Disclaimer – completing the tasks and activities referenced in this program will be dependent upon available local, State, and federal funding sources.
Annually after Housing Element certification and by December of each year; Annually by December 31 (during developer meeting) and as requested; End of FY 2024–25; by December 31, 2023; each year by December 31.
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