Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.

Redwood City

HCD Pro-Housing Designation
Fast Out of the Gate
Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Programs
total programs


Learn more about your city or county’s housing needs, and its policies and progress towards meeting those housing needs.

6th Cycle (2023 to 2031) Housing Element Status

How close Bay Area cities and counties are to meeting their local housing plans.

  • Not Submitted
  • In Progress
  • Adopted
  • Certified
  • Housing element certified
    HCD has certified the city or county's Housing Element.
    View Details

    Affordable Housing Goals

    Every city and county is required by law to plan for local housing needs for every level of affordability every decade according to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). The progress towards meeting these housing goals can be tracked over time by measuring the number of housing permits issued by local cities and counties. You can toggle between 6th and 5th element cycle data below.

    Very Low Income
    Low Income
    Moderate Income
    Above Moderate Inc.
    View Details

    Housing Programs

    Total Programs
    proposed programs
    Local housing programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing program has an significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing.
    View Details

    Community Conditions

    These conditions contribute to your community’s housing needs.

    Rent Burden
    rent burdened
    The percentage of population who contribute more than 30% of their gross income on housing.
    Gentrification Risk
    residents with low income in gentrifying tracts
    Gentrification risk shows the risk level of low-income households by race/ethnicity and their likelihood of being displaced from their community.
    Neighborhood Opportunity
    highest resource
    Neighborhood opportunity measures the amount of wealth and resources in a community and includes the following neighborhood opportunity categories from lowest to highest resources: high segregation & poverty, low resource, moderate resource, high resource, and highest resource.
    View Details

    Take action and get involved

    Right now, we have a once-in-a-decade chance to address current housing problems, invest in our communities, and create better housing options for all. Sign up with your email to stay connected!