Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.
Housing programs are the strategies that cities and counties legally have at their disposal to produce more and preserve existing affordable housing, as well as protect existing residents from getting displaced from their homes and communities.
Local housing programs, as part of a housing element, have significant impacts on a city or county reaching its affordable housing goals. Each additional housing policy has a significant impact on the residents who are most in need of affordable housing. However, the number of programs that a jurisdiction includes in their housing element is not meant to imply how well a city or county is addressing local housing needs since the quality and impact of each will need to be determined as well.
Use the below data to explore this jurisdiction’s approaches to affirmatively furthering fair housing for the 6th element cycle, and review the actions, deliverables, and deadlines committed to for each program.
H-1a | Continue to inspect housing in response to complaints, and work with property owners to bring units up to current housing code standards. Make property owners aware that financial assistance is available for properties housing lower-income households. | Objective H-1a: Through code enforcement efforts and funding assistance, the County will seek to
facilitate the rehabilitation of 10 housing units in fair or dilapidated condition in the County or in the Cities that are occupied by low - (4 units), very low - (4 units), or extremely low -income (2 units) households during the planning period. Outreach for rehabilitation assistance programs will target the areas of Angw in, along Silverado Trail north of St. Helena, east of the City of Napa, or near Lake Berryessa
w here units in need of repair tend to be located. | Offer assistance to lower income owners as complaints are received. Advertise availability of rehabilitation loans annually. |
H-1b | To the extent permitted by law , implement a program to enable non-profit organizations to apply for the use of up to 10 percent of new funds annually to fund projects and programs designed to correct health and safety hazards in owner-occupied and renter- occupied housing that is reserved for low -, very low -, or extremely low - income households. | Objective H-1b: The County will seek to make available up to 10 percent of new Affordable Housing Fund money annually to leverage federal, state, and other public and private housing rehabilitation funds. Outreach for rehabilitation assistance programs will target the areas of Angw in, along Silverado Trail north of St. Helena, east of the City of Napa, or near Lake Berryessa where units in need of repair tend to be located. | Annually, through the NOFA process. |
H-1c | In addition to the priorities identified in Policy AG/LU-118, assign high priority to abatement of illegal vacation rentals, ensuring that existing dwelling units are used as residences, rather than tourist accommodations. | Objective H-1c: Increase availability of housing by eliminating all illegal vacation rentals. Return ten illegal vacation rentals to permanent occupancy during the planning period. | Ongoing illegal vacation rentals are reported to the County or detected. |
H-2a | Prioritize the use of funds for development of Affordable Housing Combination District (:AH overlay) sites and other sites supporting affordable housing development and identified in the 6th Cycle Housing Site Inventory, and continue to work with interested parties to encourage their development of the sites under the :AH provisions. | Objective H-2a: The County will seek to facilitate the development of lower income units by prioritizing its Affordable Housing Fund monies to assist affordable housing development on at least one housing site identified in the 6th Cycle Housing Sites Inventory, with the objective of permitting and assisting development of at least 25 affordable units during the planning period (10 moderate-, 8 low -, and 7 very low -income units, with a goal of half of the very low -income units serving the extremely low -income level). | Within the first year of the planning period the County will initiate a process to conduct outreach to the owners of sites in the 6th Cycle Inventory to initiate discussions about potential development. Within two years the County will seek to engage with an owner/developer on at least one site to begin conceptual planning for development consistent with the Sites Inventory assumptions. Within this same time period, initiate discussions with water and sewer providers to secure service commitments. Work with a site owner/developer with a goal of beginning to processing planning applications within four years. |
H-2b | Continue to encourage greater provision of affordable housing units in conjunction with market rate projects by implementing the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Conduct new nexus analysis to update inclusionary requirements (including addition of rental inclusionary component) and in- lieu fee rates, to strike a balance
between market rate development feasibility and affordable housing needs. | Objective H-2b: Affirmatively further fair housing by encouraging provision of affordable housing units integrated with market rate housing units via onsite inclusionary requirements. Until current inclusionary ordinance is updated, target 20% of new for-sale single-family detached housing and 17% of new single-family attached or common interest housing as inclusionary affordable units (or collect commensurate in-lieu fees) and collect housing impact fees for rental housing projects, consistent with the existing ordinance. Once the Inclusionary Ordinance is updated, the Housing Element will target the updated ordinance's inclusionary percentages for for-sale and for rental housing, or collection of commensurate in-lieu fees. Assuming that relaxing inclusionary requirements on 4th and 5th Cycle AH:CD sites per Program H-4g can stimulate development of approximately 10 percent of the unit capacity identified on those sites during the 6th cycle, this could produce 45 new units. Assuming a reduced 20% inclusionary requirement would apply to this development, 10 new lower-income units
would be produced. This lower-income unit objective may be modified if the Nexus Study Update determines a lower inclusionary percentage is appropriate. Target at least 50 percent of new inclusionary units in high resource areas, areas with median income above the countywide median, and in RCAAs. | Complete ordinance updates by December, 2025. Produce 10 new inclusionary units by end of 6th Cycle, with this number to be modified to align with any changes in inclusionary percentages that may arise out of the Nexus Study update. |
H-2c | Continue to generate affordable housing funds in conjunction with new job-generating development via the commercial housing impact fee.
Update the nexus and economic
feasibility studies to determine if the fees may be increased given current economic conditions. | Objective H-2c: Generate commercial impact fees to mitigate the impact of commercial development on the need for affordable housing to the extent consistent with economic feasibility. Generate commercial impact fee funds sufficient to assist in the development of 10 below market rate housing units. | Complete nexus analysis and update fee schedule by December, 2025. |
H-2d | Through a Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) process, notify the public of available special assistance programs in coordination with the cities and other public and private agencies, using brochures and news releases. | Objective H-2d: Provide the public with notice of available assistance programs at least every other year during the planning period. Target at least 50 percent of units for either new construction of
affordable units (e.g., to provide housing mobility) or rehabilitation assistance for housing for lower income households (e.g., for displacement prevention) in high resource areas, areas with median income above the countywide median, and in RCAAs. Target at least 60 new lower-income units assisted in the 6th Cycle. | Annually, through NOFA process |
H-2e | Continue program of exempting all secondary residential units from the Growth Management System (GMS). | Objective H-2e: The County will seek to facilitate the development of at least 72 second units in zoning districts where they are allowed during the planning period. | Ongoing as applications are submitted. |
H-2f | Continue to require new affordable housing development projects receiving Affordable Housing Fund monies or any other type of County assistance, as well as those units built as part of the County’s inclusionary housing requirement, to apply deed restrictions that will require affordability of assisted low - and very low -income units for a minimum of 40 years. | Objective H-2f: Ensure long-term affordability of all new housing units receiving County assistance. | Ongoing as projects are funded. |
H-2g | Continue to use the Affordable Housing (:AH) Combination
District as a tool to provide specific and reasonable development standards and stimulate affordable housing production in designated locations. | Objective H-2g: For :AH sites established for 5th Housing Element Cycle or earlier, evaluate and modify the AH requirements to reduce the amount of affordable housing that must be provided for development under the :AH provisions as a way to better incentivize the development of housing on these sites. | Update :AH requirements by July, 2024. |
H-2h | Continue to implement the County’s worker proximity housing program that encourages low - and moderate-income homebuyers, to purchase a home within 20 miles of their place of employment, by providing local down payment assistance. | Objective H-2h: Provide down payment assistance to 240 low - and/or moderate-income households during the planning period. | Ongoing as applications are received. |
H-2i | Continue to offer financial assistance to property
owners who are interested in building second units, including ADUs and JADUs, that would be deed restricted for use by very low - or low -income residents. | Objective H-2i: Assist 45 property owners who commit to deed restrict ADU/JADUs for use by very low - or low -income residents, and target at least 50 percent of new ADUs assisted in high resource areas, areas with median income above the countywide median, and in RCAAs. | Ongoing as applications are received. |
H-2j | Maintain the affordable housing provided in existing mobile home parks to the extent permitted by State law . Existing mobile home parks may be redeveloped, including adding up to 25 percent more units than the number of units allowed by their underlying zoning, provided that the adverse impact of such redevelopment on existing residents, including impact to housing affordability and displacement, is fully analyzed and mitigated. Develop an inventory of existing mobilehome parks; study their existing zoning controls, and evaluate options to amend land use controls and explore funding opportunities to better retain mobile home parks as affordable housing. | Objective H-2j: Discourage conversion of existing mobilehome parks to other uses. | Conversion density bonus – Ongoing; Complete evaluation of mobilehome parks and potential land use modifications and funding by December, 2025. |
H-2k | Continue to allow infrastructure improvements as an eligible cost under the Affordable Housing Ordinance, and work with affected agencies to pursue grant money to improve water and sewer infrastructure on the 6th cycle sites
within the inventory and other sites that accommodate low-e-income housing to address RHNA requirements. | Objective H-2k: Assist in application for at least one grant for water and/or sewer improvements on a site identified in the 6th Cycle Housing Sites Inventory. | Within the first two years of the planning period work with an interested site owner/developer to pursue grant funding to assist at least one project during the planning period. |
H-2l | Study vacancy tax on housing units not used for permanent residences, to be directed to
Affordable Housing Fund to determine effectiveness and feasibility of such a tax and determine whether to place it on the ballot in 2026. | Objective H-2l: Increase the number of housing units that are available for occupancy by year round residents. | Conduct study of potential tax by January 2025. |
H-3a | Continue the County’s program of inspecting migrant farm labor housing to ensure compliance
with state standards. Efforts will be made to seek compliance to avoid closure of such facilities. | Objective H-3a: Ensure 100 percent of migrant farmworker units are maintained in sound condition throughout the planning period. | Inspect annually and follow -up as necessary. |
H-3b | Continue to contract w ith Fair Housing Napa Valley or another capable organization that will review housing discrimination complaints, attempt to facilitate equitable resolution of complaints and, where necessary, refer complainants to the appropriate County, State, or Federal authorities for further
investigation and action. At a minimum, presentations, materials, and announcements will be provided in English and Spanish. | Objective H-3b:
Public outreach and education events in north, south, and mid-county locations (2 times during planning cycle)
Outreach and education events for rental housing property managers and Realtors (2 times during planning period)
Continuous distribution of fair housing information in publicly visible locations, such as libraries, bulletin boards in businesses, etc., throughout the county.
Public service announcements in newspapers, local television, radio targeting different demographic groups (at least twice a year during the planning cycle) | Incorporate objectives upon renewal of contract with FHNV or other appropriate provider. |
H-3c | Continue to contribute towards the annual operating costs of local emergency shelters and transitional housing where such funds are available and their use legally permissible. | Objective H-3c: Provide Affordable Housing Fund resources for the development and operation of emergency shelter and transitional housing facilities for 8 additional homeless families in a partnership between the County Department of Health and Human Services and a non-profit. | Ongoing; allocate funds annually as part of the budget process. |
H-3d | To the extent permitted by law , continue to require a
preference for local workers, including farm worker households, in affordable housing developments assisted with Affordable Housing Fund monies, with a goal of including farmworker
households in at least 10 percent of the units assisted with Affordable Housing Fund money and seniors in at least 10 percent of units assisted with
Affordable Housing Fund money. The County will monitor the percentage of farm worker households occupying
housing units assisted with Affordable Housing Fund money in conjunction
with income eligibility monitoring for affordable housing units. | Objective H-3d: Encourage and facilitate development of 12 new farm labor dwellings on agriculturally- zoned properties and encourage; facilitate development of one new multifamily housing complex targeted to families with members who work within the County; include seniors as at least 10 percent of households assisted with Affordable Housing Fund monies. | Annually, as part of the NOFA process. |
H-3e | Facilitate public/private partnerships and, when appropriate and available, use Affordable Housing Fund monies to help prevent the loss of privately owned farmworker housing
facilities serving six or more individuals when private owners are no longer able or willing to do so. The County will approach farmworker housing owners at the time it becomes aware of a potential closure of a private
farmworker housing facility. The County’s Division of Environmental Health monitors the status of private farmworker housing facilities serving six or more individuals on an annual
basis and will evaluate the efficacy of the program in helping to preserve existing units, and propose
modifications to the program if units are lost. | Objective H-3e: Provide financial assistance to incentivize owners to maintain existing supply of privately owned farmworker housing units. | Ongoing; conduct outreach to owners when Country becomes aware of potential closures. |